Use your guqin to fight against evil spirits and cultivate inner peace!

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Git repo: I was given a warning regarding space and committing the files, so I'm checking in first!

State Machines:

I attempted to use a state machine to control the various game over/transition scenes for the game. I created three states, GameOn, GameTransition, and GameEnd, all of which are functions that essentially trigger different canvases! Having the states in the inspector to easily tinker with to see if they worked was super nice.


Previously I relied on various game effects to communicate to the player how well of a job they're doing. In this project, I finally tried out some stuff with the animation controller! There are various states Hamxia will go through depending on how well you're doing (high combo) or if you do poorly (miss a note), and I think it's valuable visual feedback and communication for the player.


This project was definitely far outside of my comfort zone, and although I gave myself extra time since I knew it would be a new undertaking for me, I still wasn't able to fully polish the game as I wanted for this week's deadline. I've never done anything with this level of timing before, and managing all of the Raycast physics2D stuff for the mouse controls (although I sadly got rid of them) taught me a huge bunch. The beat layout, tempo management, and note scrolling were all super intimidating to me, so I'm happy that my game actually runs without much issue! I feel like I learned a lot from this project and I hope to continue working on it until I'm satisfied!

Published 15 days ago
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Made withUnity


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I like how we just stare at each other at the end -- have u ever had a krispy cream btw ?


was it krsipee



BEST GAME EVER HOW DID YOU KNOW I NEEDED A RHYTHM GAME LIKE THIS RIGHT NOW AT THIS VERY SECOND???? i love the face hamxia makes when you get a high combo vs the face if you are lacking poorly, it really does help to communicate how we're doing and makes the player want to win more!!!! amazing amazing amazing i love you

hamxia is so talented

no u r!!!